Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Its 7 weeks today. Just got back from a week trip to Chatt that was unfortunately sendless. The first few days my hand felt okay, but progressively got more and more sore from days on days.. Not happy about it. The 5th day of the trip I was in too much pain and had to stop climbing. Granted, the easiest thing I got on was a v7, i'm not exactly being patient. All the ligaments that are still connected are under alot of extra strain.. They better just deal with it and catch up because I don't have time for this shit! However, after only a few days rest I can feel the strength returning, and I know it will be better soon. Thats the worst part about these kind of injuries; they get worse before they get better. Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you can't tell if you're getting closer or further away. I'm taking another trip down south this weekend, should be more fruitful.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Starting to feel better

It is 5 weeks from the surgery. For the last week or so I was still in quite alot of pain when I would try any pulling with the ring or pinky finger. It feels like all the ligaments that are still attached to the hamate bone are being put under extra strain from having less support. Numbness is still there, but has been gradually getting better. Also I think the hamate bone is still bruised... BUT! Just over the last two days pain has gone down alot, I was able to climb a few things up to v6 yesterday with the least amount of paint i've had yet. I even used the hand as a mantle for an easy topout, but I can tell it will be at least another month before I can start doing push-ups again. On the hangboard, I'm able to hang 2 hands on the small crimps (its a metolious simulator) and I can almost hang 1 arm on the bad hand. I guess things are looking pretty good! Still, I would recommend the reattachment of the hook instead of excision 100%. I can feel now what is still attached in there, and it will eventually get better.. But eventually is an annoying word.

I'm gearing up for a trip to Chattanooga Tennessee in a few days, and trying to think of hard climbs that I can eek out with my unbalanced power situation... maybe King James?  not sure if I can do the pinch on Golden Harvest.. I know I can do Kneed It. Anything that isn't too overhanging should be alright. Mostly i'm going to get drunk and make my friends get on hard climbs. Should be fun!