Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back to Business as Usual

Its been almost 2 months since my last post, and over 3 months since the surgery. I must say that things are really looking up! I was able to do my first V10 on a two week trip to Chattanooga over New Years, along with a hand full of other hard and proud climbs. After my last trip, which was not very productive, these sends really hit the spot. For a while there I lost my "finisher brain", and I kept punting on shit I knew I could do. I'm not sure if it was a mental block from being injured, but whatever it was it's gone now! I was able to give trys that I would consider up to 100% on this trip, with little to no pain during the climb. Now after 2 straight weeks of climbing, of course my hand was pretty soar.. But i'm back home now and training on a steady schedule with plenty of rest. So yea things are lookin up! What is the future for the rock climber with a hamate hook fracture? I would say, What hamate hook fracture?