Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Summer 2012

In the summer its difficult to climb very hard anyway, so rest was on my mind. Now, that doesn't mean that I actually got any!, but I tried my best to go pretty easy. The pain in the hamate region of my right hand would get better and then worse from week to week, which lead my to believe again that it was just some ligament damage. I've had plenty of other minor ligament problems that I was able to climb through, and this felt similar. I was able to climb a V9 that I am super proud of in early summer. I've done other v9s, but I beleive this was my hardest climb to date. My hand did bother me quite a bit on this climb, as it was crimpy and powerful, but it started to get better again right away.

Finally it got to a point where I was comfortable to start training hard for the fall season. I was on a good schedule for almost a month. Yea I had some pain still, but I really felt that it was ready to build back some strength. The pain felt like good pain for a while.

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